Douglas C. McBrearty ’73: Good friends with a shared past

Brother Douglas McBrearty recently shared this update with thoughts and memories about his days in Lambda Chi Alpha: 

Doug graduated from the hotel management program and has been working in the hospitality industry ever since. He has been married for 50 years to his high school girlfriend Cheryl and reports that they still often see Brothers Defluri, Sanders and Stoloski.

He best remembers Lambda Chi as a “bunch of good guys” and says the Rathskeller was the most popular hangout. When looking back now, he thinks of Lambda Chi Alpha as “good friends with a shared past,” and he says that one tradition he hopes will never go away is “a well-done initiation, the words are terrific.” 

He shared this favorite memory from his fraternity days: 

“In 1973, we won the frat league tail football championship (as a soccer player, I was the kicker). We had a celebration party with so much beer we were actually sliding on beer from the kitchen to the chapter room.”